Knee replacement surgery cost in indore | Knee specialist in Indore | Orthopaedic surgeon in Indore | Dr. Sunil Rajan


Joint Replacement Surgeon :- Dr. Sunil Rajan is a well known Hip replacement surgeon in indore, India. Over the last 20 years Dr. Rajan has put his expertise to work transforming more than 10,000 lines through successful knee transplants. Dr. Rajan offers his operative services at Apollo hospital Indore, one of the largest and most respected multi specialty groups in India.

Dr. Rajan offers knee replacement, hip replacement, shoulder replacement surgery as well as revision surgeries. He is one of the renowned and most experienced Best knee replacement surgeon in Indore, India. He is passionately involved in training orthopedic surgeries in performing total and partial knee replacement surgery.

  • Total Knee Replacement
  • Partial Knee Replacement
  • Bilateral Knee replacement
  • Revision Knee Replacement
  • Computer Assisted Knee Replacement
  • Total Hip Replacement
  • Revision Hip Replacement
  • Total Shoulder Replacement
  • Reverse shoulder Replacement
Total Knee Replacement :- If your knee is harshly damaged by injury or arthritis, it might be hard for you to perform simple activities, such as walking or climbing stairs. You might even begin to feel pain while you are sitting or lying down.

If nonsurgical treatments like medications and using walking supports are no longer helpful, you may want to consider total knee replacement surgery by best knee replacement surgeon in Indore.

Total knee replacement is a safe and effective procedure to relieve pain, correct leg deformity, and help you resume normal activities by our Doctor for knee pain.

Total knee replacement gradually is an attractive and viable option for many people, especially those dealing with chronic knee pain or unable to participate in common activities. It’s provides dramatic pain relief for more than 90% of those who’ve undergone this surgery by best knee surgeon. Most of these procedures are done to replace knees damaged by osteoarthritis. The procedure was introduced in 1968. This surgery is considered one of the safest and most effective procedures in orthopedics.

During a total knee replacement, a best knee surgeon removes some bone and cartilage from the areas of your thighbone and shin bone, where they meet at your knee joint. The surgeon then replaces the knee area of your thighbone with a metal implant and the knee area of your shinbone with a plastic implant. This gives both bones of your knee joint smooth surfaces again so they can flex and bend more freely and painlessly. In many cases, the surgeon also replaces the undersurface of your kneecap with a plastic coating.

Today, knee replacements are safe. Very few people have complications. After surgery and recovery, many people are able to participate in activities they used to do, such as walking, bicycling, playing, and swimming. As the pain from surgery begins to go away and you’re able use your knee like you used to, your quality of life will most likely improve.  


Knee joint arthritis:- The common cause of knee-joint pain is the loss of ability of joints to move smoothly. This inability is known as Arthritis. Arthritis malady is normally of several types and most commonly found one is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis affects majorly on the joints that bear the weight, like hip joint knee joint and spine joints. Osteoarthritis is known as a disease leading to wear and tear of joints, because due to this the cartilage is destroyed, which is available as a lubricant sort layer between the surfaces of bones in the joint. Once this layer of healthy Cartilage mutilates, it loses its lubricating ability to protect the surfaces of joints, which rub against each other and this friction causes pain and in-ability of patient to move.

Arthritis Symptoms:- Generally the pain in joints (while movements like sitting, bending are done), a sort of rigidity in the joints, small scope of joint motions and joints gets a deformity in the shape like bow-shape legs or knock knees. Osteoarthritis is more prominent on the joints that bear weight, so the heavy weight and overweight persons are common patients of this. Apart from this Osteoarthritis development is also due to hereditary factor. The excessive use of joints, knee-meniscus injury, tears or ligaments degeneration and bone damage due to fractures in them right through the joints, are some of other factors that are responsible for development of Osteoarthritis.

Treatments of Knee Arthritis:- The treatments of arthritis are either conservative like changes in living style, regular medication and physio-therapy or modern like surgery. The knee surgery rests as only cure, when all the conservative treatments are exhausted. For replacing the degenerated surfaces of the knee-joints, to ease the pain, as well as disability suffered by the patient and to rectify the improper alignment of joints of knee, a surgical procedure known as Knee replacement surgery or knee arthroplasty is performed. This procedure can be partial as partial knee replacement or as a total knee replacement surgical procedure.

Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the best Knee specialist in Indore with an experience of 20 years as Joint replacement surgeon and hip replacement and Orthopaedic surgeon in Indore. Dr. Rajan utilizes a team approach to bring caring, compassionate, and experienced care to all of his patients throughout their joint replacement experience. This team approach means a faster recovery time, a quicker return to home and to normal activities, and freedom from joint pain. If you are considering joint replacement surgery, contact to Dr Rajan's Knee Clinic Indore. Book an Appointment today call us at 9826200015 and online visit for more informatoin -

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