Tips to reduce knee pain in old age

Although knee pain is one of the most common problems that arises with growing age and especially in old ages, this cannot be stated to be inevitable after a certain age, even there is a fact that a significant part of population suffers from knee pain in old ages. There are many reasons of Knee pain in old ages, The most common is any damage to the ligaments or the cartilages of the joint. Other than this lot of things can be a major cause of the knee pain which include inflammation and arthritis. Knee joint is the most shocked absorber joint of the body which works with every step we take it absorbs about double of the body weight which can be a regular reason of wear and tear and damage to the joint.

Symptoms of knee pain in old ages:-

The sign and symptoms of this condition depends on the cause and severity of the pain in knee, the pain can be varied from minor ache to severe pain. Some of the most common sign in symptoms include - 

  • Stiffness are extreme pain while moving
  • Continuous pain in the joint
  • Redness around the joint
  • Warmth feeling around the joint
  • Discomfort which leads to limping
  • Fever in the cases of knee infection
  • Problem white straightening or bending the knee
  • Inability to walk properly
  • Swelling over the joints and the adjacent parts

Tips to reduce knee pain:-

Ask the person ages there is a drastic change in the fitness and the physical activity of the body hence it can be very serious and can raise various problems including knee pain. If your experiencing pain in knee or around the joint here are some of the points to be considered to reduce the knee pain-

1) Walking - inactivity in the body is the root cause of pain in the knee joints in most of the cases, as the workload decreases with the time old people age group tends to stop the physical movement and walking, walking regularly for at least 30 to 40 minutes a day in the morning can bring a drastic change as it keeps the strength and the mobility of the joint healthy with the time, it should be a routine to go for morning or evening box to keep the body energized and to keep it fit.

2) Physical activities -
researches proves that exercising for around 1 to 2 hours daily can keep the joints healthy and moving, and it's basically those kind of exercises which strengthen the upper thighs, exercising daily the development of osteoarthritis and benefits the knee joint as osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee joint. Physical activities like jogging cycling swimming walking boost the cartilage and the tissue health.

3) Proper Posture and support - posture and balance play an important role in preventing problems like pain in knee joint, as maintaining proper posture can reduce the pressure on the joints and keep them healthy for a longer period of time. Always try to maintain a decent sitting position without leaning much , Avoid low chairs or extra sinking couches or beds, try to avoid prolonged sitting without moving as it can be a reason of joint stiffness and painful joints without moving.

4) Maintaining Proper diet and weight - eating proper diet and maintenance of a healthy weight is the most important factor that contributes to prevention of pain in knee and other joints. Eating healthy highly nutritious diet keeps the joints, bones and muscles healthy that ultimately helps to healthy pain free lifestyle. Try to include proper proportion of protein carbs and healthy fats and always carry exercise routine to stay fit.

5) Avoid fatigue or prolonged sitting - being in the same posture for a long period of time can be a major cause of fatigue and muscle damage. Always keep moving after a particular time to avoid this fatigue, else this thing can contribute to spasticity and pain.

6) Take medications on time:- after any severe condition or trauma some medications will be provided to the patient to enhance the recovery, this medications will be given according to the patient's condition, these medications generally include painkillers which will help the patient during the recovery phase to avoid pain..

If are planning for Orthopaedic surgery with the best Orthopaedic surgeon in Indore, Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the best Orthopaedic surgeon and Knee specialist in Indore. They provide knee, hip and shoulder replacement surgery at their clinic at very affordable price. 

For any Enquiry Call us now +91 9826200015 & Online Visit -

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