Enabling lives with total knee replacement

There are different effects of aging on the body The one of the most important areas that is affected by the aging process is the strength of bone and muscles. With the increasing age the bones strength to decrease and the mobility of joints lose.

When we talk about joins me join is one of the most effective joints of the body which affects almost every individual who is aging. Australia is a condition that is extremely disturbing and lead to extreme pain in the joints which people go through, this affects the daily living of the individual significantly.

Extreme pain in the knee joint can be really frustrating and can affect life of an individual, knee pain can also be responsible that a person might be unable to manage the daily living activities because of this swelling or even bowing of the knee. If each and every remedy feel or does not show Any significant changes in the pain need replacement surgery is the best solution that improves the quality of life and is the best solution for all your problems. The arthritic surgeon will make you go through diagnostics scans if the knee joint is defound or damage and after the physical examination the decision will be made on whatever will be the procedure of the knee replacement surgery.

What happens in Total Knee Replacement (TKR)-

In the  knee replacement surgery The damaged cartilage or the damaged body tissues are removed from the knee cap and are replaced by an artificial implant or also called high grade plastic or metal alloys that act as a joint. This procedure is generally done to relieve pain and to restore normal functioning of the joint along with this swelling and the extreme pain will go along, The replaced knee joint will act almost as good as the previous normal joint but the healing time can very from every individual to individual it can take long three to six months for total healing and recovery.

How to protect the knee after knee replacement surgery:-

The recovery time and living with the new joint is totally variable and depends from person to person or how it is taken care of, here are some of the basic tips that may help to enhance recovery and to protect the new replaced joint-

  • Take special precautions to avoid falls and injuries.
  • Try to participate in regular light exercise programs that may help to enhance the strength and the mobility of the joint
  • Do not try to twist or turn the new joint after the surgery
  • Always follow up routine examinations and xrays as recommended by the doctor.
  • Always consult your orthopedic surgeon about whenever you need to take antibiotics or pain relievers
  • Avoid heavy lifting for about 7 to 8 months of the surgery

Life after Total Knee Replacement (TKR):-

Total knee replacement surgeries are usually very successful among the old age. People usually return to almost the normal functioning as the old knee joint following the replacement within less than a year. Most of the activities can be easily performed with relatively high level of ease and comfort after the surgery. Proper exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, regular health checkups, staying active, eating proper diet, staying hydrated are some of the extremely important things that should be taken care of after the surgery.

During the initial phases of frequency and healing the person might experience swelling and pain after the replacement but that will go along with the time, you might also require pain relief medications and antibiotics when undergoing any invasive procedure. Need replacement surgery is one of the best options available to heal from pain or long lasting problems in the knee joint.

Knee replacement surgery usually enhances life of the individual by eliminating unwanted pain, swelling and many other problems and improves the quality of life as the person can very easily get back to the normal living enabling it to perform every activities without any problem.

Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the best Robotic Knee Replacement Surgeons in MP and provides Knee, Hip and Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery at very low cost in his clinic in Indore. If you are searching for the best Orthopaedic surgeon in Indore, come to Dr. Rajan's Knee Clinic. 

For Appointment & Enquiry Call us now +91 9826200015 & Online Visit for more information - https://www.drsunilrajan.com/

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