Do's and don'ts after knee replacement surgery?

What happens after the surgery: -

Knee replacement surgery is a kind of complex surgery In which the end results and the outcome depends on the care taken to follow the prescribed diet therapies exercise and medicine's. Boot the surgical procedure and the recovery where is from person to person and most probably depends on the condition that lead to the surgery, along with this there are other factors like age weight and overall health condition that may affect the results and the overall outcome of the surgery. Along with the surgery there are certain things that should be done and also the things that should be avoided at all cost, here is the list of certain do's and don'ts that are common and help to boost up the recovery process.


1) Take the doctor's advice very seriously:- The first step which helps towards speedy and more successful recovery is the willingness to hard work wanting to recover and fighting against the pain, it is very important to follow everything that the doctors prescribe very carefully, many advices that the doctor give can be painful like certain kind of exercises that cause strain but they are prescribed for the best outcomes. Always try to develop a routine and stick to it, Take all the prescribed medicines and diet on time this these small practices can help you to recover with the maximum outcome and more speedy recovery.

2) Exercising post surgery:- it is very important to follow all the prescribed exercises after a few time of the surgery, The exercises should be performed within a short period of time with short intervals in between, The most common exercise is brisk walking which might be painful but as long as you are willing to get back on your feet it will be easier to recover from this phase. The need replacement recovery time will become shorter only if you take all the exercise sessions seriously. Regular exercising will be beneficial in different means like it helps to provide better recovery, will help to make knee joints stronger, will help to let you walk soon, will be very beneficial in restoring movements.

3) Using ice and heat therapy:-  it is very common to observe swelling until few weeks of the surgery, it may last up to few months, regular icing will help to reduce the swelling drastically this ice therapy will bring down the swelling once the swelling is reduced the doctor will advise you can alternate between hot and cold therapy to release stiffness and relax the knee muscles. Always consult your doctor or the physiotherapist if the icing does not help or if you want to take part in longer periods of ice and heat therapy.

4) Ensure proper rest:- it is very important that you should ensure proper rest and best position for your knee too provide speedy recovery and better outcome after the surgery, ensuring the proper position of the new joint will help to strengthen and to get used to the new joint for the further use.


1) Don't sit for too long:- When there is need placement surgery you should avoid prolong sitting at least for 4 to 5 weeks, it is suggested that it will be better to move somewhere for 5 to 10 minutes after every 2 to 3 hours, it is important to move the replaced joint in brisk manner to make it favorable and adaptive.

2) Don't walk without a walker immediately after the surgery:- Walking is the great way that helps to provide healing to the joint. But always walk with the help of Walker to ensure least amount of pressure on the knee, walking without a walker can put extra pressure on the joint which can aggravate the pain and the swelling over the joint.

3) Don't twist or move the knee unnecessarily:- It is very important to Ensure correct posture and mobility of the knee do not twist or move the knee unnecessarily as this can lead to deterioration of the joint, always try to keep me at the best possible position to ensure fastest recovery and best outcomes.

4) Don't put unnecessary stress on the knee:- It is very important to keep the knee stress free after knee replacement, always avoid lifting heavy objects and avoid twisting the knee joint, Take care of the proper position while bending down kneeling or sitting this very important as this can lead to worsen the condition.

5) Never give up:- Recovering after the knee replacement surgery can be up painful long and challenging time period while there are chances that many people recover soon and many take reasonably long time to recover. Never give up your hard work and dedication is the main key while the recovery process. Give yourself time you need and every time you want to give up just remember how far you have came from the pain and the problems be patient and you will see drastic changes in the recovery time,be bold.


The knee replacement recovery time varies from month to year, however the majority of progress can be noticed even in few months after the surgery it is very important and necessary to take all the precautionary measures where carefully that will help too minimize the after effects of the surgery.

If you are planning knee replacement surgery with the best Knee specialist in Indore, come to Dr Rajan's knee clinic as we have the best Robotic knee replacement surgeon in MP

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