Tips To Keep Your Hips and Knees Healthy At All Stages of Life

Hips and knee joint are the most complex joints of the body which bears all the weight of the body for life. Keeping hips and knee joints healthy is very important to maintain overall health,posture,coordination and balance of the body. Some of the most common conditions that can deteriorate hips and knee joint are arthritis, osteoporosis, and oesteomylecia. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis which affects more than a half population.


Hip joint is the largest joint of the body it is a ball and socket type of joint which fix together in such a manner that it allows fluid movements of the body. Hip joint can handle where their and repeated moments and motions of the body. Hips the most important joint which functions all over the life at all stages of the life, as we grow older the chances of deterioration increases with age. Is the hip bone moves in the socket the cartilage act as a cushion and helps to prevent friction. 

Due to the continuous movement of the hip joint the cartilage can become damage or it can wear done, also when the tendons and the muscles of the hip joint become overuse there are higher risk of fractures during any injury or fall and this can also result in continuous pain in hip joint.

Tips to keep hips healthy-

1) Exercise- moderate exercise is the best way to keep hips healthy, it is possible to wear down the joints out prematurely with excessive movement. There are many benefits of regular exercises which includes building flexibility e and specially strong muscles around the knees and hip joint. Try to stretch gently and exercises that can focus on knees and hip to make them flexible and provide strength which can avoid injury and can reduce joint wear and tear.

2) Weight training-
weight training play a major role in strengthening of the muscles. Strengthening exercises can help to maintain and improve the muscle strength, always try to strengthen your muscles by weight training try to maintain proper place while workouts never go too fast, proper strength training can help you to increase joint stability and reduce joint pain.

3) Quit smoking and alcohol- smoking and drinking alcohol regularly can increase the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis, it can also increase the risk of injuries like joint bursitis and tendonitis. Smoking can also a bigger risk for lower back pain and rheumatoid arthritis, quitting smoking on time can help you to improve your joint health and strengthening of muscles.

4) Eating healthy- eating proper diet is one of the most important point to keep hip joints healthy for life, eating proper amount of macro and micro helps you to maintain healthy and lubricated joints, try to eat food rich in Omega 3. Try to eat food that is rich in vitamin E, it is rich in anti inflammatory properties which can reduce the risk of bone and joint cell damage get plenty of vitamin e by adding avocado and nuts to your diet. 


Knees are the Most important Joints to function well at all stages of life. Knee joint are the most prominent weight-bearing joints in the body which absorb large amount of pressure all over life and it usually takes one and half times the weight of the body, this pressure and regular strain on the knee joint can lead to wear and tear of the joint. The most common pain any joint due to knee cartilage wear and tear which is also called as osteoarthritis, well there are many ways to prevent knee related problems and pain, there are some of the most common comorbidities that accompany knee osteoarthritis and which can reduce the quality of life of joint, these include hypertension, diabetes, obesity depression and stress.

Tips to keep knees healthy-

1) Loosing weight- regularly walking can put significant stress on the joint and especially when there is overweight or you are carrying extra pounds on body. Overstress and putting extra weight on the knee joint can lead to osteoarthritis joint degeneration, try to maintain healthy body weight to avoid or to slow down this process of degeneration due to heavy weight. Weight loss can sustainably decrease the risk of osteoarthritis and many other related ne symptoms like functional issues, knee pain or stiffness.

2) Perform regular exercises- performing regular exercises is a great way to keep joints healthy and especially the knee joint, exercising regularly can help you to maintain proper strength of the knee muscles and can reduce the risk of pain in knee joints. Some of the most common exercises that can be done to decrease the effect of alien on knees are-

- Knee extension-  
- Squats
- Walking
- Knee stretching

3) Wear knee brace while lifting heavy- it's very important to wear knee brace are army cover while doing heavy load exercises to prevent wear and tear of tendons and cartilages of the joint. Knee braces are usually used to prevent Extra strain or tear.

Here are some of the most important tips to  keep your knees and hip joint healthy for rest of the life, along with these precautions always keep moving and try to maintain perfect posture of the body to avoid any unnecessary stress and strains on the joints.

Dr. Sunil Rajan is considered the best Orthopaedic surgeon in Indore of Knee, Hip and Shoulder replacement. He is serving as the best Knee Specialist in Indore in his clinic for more than 20 years. If you are suffering from your knee pain and are looking for the best Doctor for knee pain in Indore, come to Dr. Rajan's Knee Clinic.

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