Knee Replacement with Obesity

If you need to get knee replacement surgery but your weight is higher than the standard range, your knee surgeon may advice you to reduce weight. Various studies showed that even if the patient doesn’t feel any difficulty with increased weight, patient with BMI higher than 40 are more likely to face some complications related to surgery, high cost of surgery and post-surgery recovery than those with normal BMI.

Many of you must be having confusions like what is BMI and how it affects the surgery?

BMI refers to Body Mass Index, it is measure of body fat based on the weight and height of the individual. BMI is measured by applying the following formula:

BMI (kg/m2) = mass (kg) / height2 (m)

Normal Range of BMI for an average adult- 18 to 24

Abnormal BMI range: 

Below 18 is underweight

25 to 29 is overweight

Above 29 is obesity

Relation of knee replacement with obesity

According to various studies, around 75% of patients under the age of 60 year need knee replacement surgery due to obesity.

Another study showed that for knee replacement surgery, obese patients are more likely to get knee replacement surgery than normal population i.e. around 10-15 years earlier.

Complications of Knee replacement surgery

  • During Surgery:

During surgery, it becomes more difficult for a patient with obesity to get administered with anaesthesia due to the patient's body shape and excess fat. Most common challenges for an anaesthesiologist are as following:
  1. Locating veins foradministration of general anaesthesia and important medications,
  2. Oxygen and airflow are monitoring
  3. Position of the needle for delivering nerve blocks and other regional anaesthesia blocks.
Patients with obesity require more care and specialised instruments to reach the site of surgery through fat. During operation it takes longer time and have greater risks.
  • Post-Surgery: 
Compared with the patient having normal weight and BMI, obese patients are more at risk of post-surgical complications, such as:
  • Infection
  • Poor or delayed wound healing
  • Breathing issues
  • Chances of blood clots
  • Pulmonary embolism—blood clots in lungs
Outcome of joint Replacement

Joint replacement is done to relieve pain and helps you to live life more active.But if you are obese, it is very difficult to get the similar outcome as that of normal patient.

Obese patients may also some complicationsduring recovery phase like:

Loosening of implants
Dislocation of joints (most common in case of hip replacement)

For such cases, patient may need to get a revision surgeryto replace the implants with new ones.

If you feel any such issues or you are obese then you must take precautions and get a proper consultation with our joint replacement specialist. Dr. Sunil rajan is one of the best Orthopaedic surgeon in Indore. Call now for appointment with the best Knee Specialist in Indore, 9826200015 and visit more information.

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More Post :- What is Knee pain?


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