How robotic is changing joint replacement surgery!

Robotics and artificial intelligence was a thing of the sci-fi movies which seemed to be futuristic impossible in our lifetime. Today it is a reality, with robots and artificial intelligence making their way up to the operation tables of complicated and delicate surgeries. The thing of the future is a reality today, robotics have started assisting doctors at operation procedures with improving precision and accuracy. Robotics in surgery has now become the in-thing, with it being tested and approved by medics all over the globe. 

Dr. Sunil Rajan, the leading orthopedic surgeon in Central India, is of the view that robotics will bring about an overwhelming impact on the way surgeries are done, from now on. He also said that robotics will prove to be a highly successful aid in the field of surgery by giving higher success rates, faster rehabilitation and better performance in delicate procedures with precision.

Joint Replacements will see faster development with the incorporation of Robotics into the surgery methodology. Robotics is all ready to be introduced as the newest arsenal for hospitals, in surgery. The apprehension of the patients in being operated on by robots is quite exaggerated and baseless. The fact is that Robotics-aided surgeries are not dependent on Robots for surgery. They are just tools with better precision and accurate maneuverability that aids delicate and complicated surgeries. All the procedures are still controlled by the surgeon and robotics only cuts down on the human error factor.

Robotic Joint Replacement is a recent technological advancement in the field of orthopedic. This surgery is conducted by the surgeon with assistance from the robotic system to improve the implant positioning and soft-tissue balance. This improvement is achieved by enhanced preoperative planning by computer and a detailed 3-Dimensional intraoperative data collection about the patient anatomy. The data collected is then used during the operation for better postoperative alignment, balance and restoration of the part with the combined deftness of the surgeon and accuracy of the computer.

Advantages of this enhanced surgery technique are seen in the high success rate of the surgery and accurate surgical procedures. The system controls and minimizes errors by restricting bone saw to be moved in an inappropriate position. The robotic arm operated by the surgeon allows accurate bone preparation through hepatic control. The burr is also computer-controlled to prepare the bone surface and automatically cuts burring if it moves into areas not predetermined by the surgeon and does not need to be removed. All these controls and predetermined functions of the system minimizes the error factor drastically and helps in improving precise and accurate surgery of the joint.

Robotic guided knee replacements have shown a considerable decrease in postoperative pain, analgesic requirement and hospital stay compared to conventional knee replacement.

As compared to conventional methods of joint replacement robotic guided surgery has proved to be better at implant positioning in hip replacement surgeries. These advanced methods of surgery also have shown lesser unwanted soft tissue injury. This has emphatically brought better surgical experience pre, post and during surgeries in comparison to conventional methods. Hip and knee replacement surgeries have shown tremendous improvement in recent days with the introduction of robotics-guided surgery. 

Dr. Sunil Rajan , the top joint replacement surgeon, is of the view that this will also eventually cut down on the cost factor in the long run for the patients. Every reduced positive factor like a decreased analgesic requirement, lesser rehabilitation period, shorter hospitalization, fewer scans and high success rates of surgeries will eventually cut down the cost burden on patients. 

 Dr. Sunil Rajan has always been a foresighted, proactive and savvy surgeon in terms of bringing in new technology to the aid of his patients for a better medical experience for them. This Robotic guided joint replacement surgery has been introduced into Central India for the first time by the foresightedness of Dr. Sunil Rajan. He wants the best for his patients and nothing less.

Technologies and advancements will only improve our quality of life. Think positive and think progressive. Trust your doctor.

Dr. Sunil Rajan is the best Knee specialist in Indore and is also the best Orthopaedic surgeon in Indore. With Knee replacement and knee surgery as the specialty of Dr. Sunil Rajan, he is also referred to as the best doctor for knee pain in Indore. Book an appointment today call now us on 9826200015 for more information.

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