Four stages of recovery after knee replacement surgery

Knee replacement surgery is always dreaded by people due to the myths and misconceptions surrounding it. People always think that knee replacement surgery means the whole knee is replaced and it will take a very long time to recover. Any surgery big or small that concerns joints need time to recover and mostly only some ligaments or parts are replaced or stitched together to make the joint work as a whole like it used to work before the injury. Every surgery to the knee needs some time to recover but not as long as dreaded by the patients in waiting for knee surgery. Most people due to the fear of surgery bear the pain and try to solve it through medications. The fact is that in some cases of knee injury surgery or replacement is the only option to get the problem rectified and to relieve you of the discomfort. In cases where the injury is major, it has to be operated upon as per the directions of the medical consultant. The major questions arising in your mind are always about t...