Is Joint Replacement surgery for Ageing bones and Joint Pains:

A brief about Joint Replacement surgery.

Ageing is an unstoppable process. What ever you do you will age! At some point or the other, there is bound to be wear and tear to all parts of our body. The most affected part would be your load bearing joints. They wear out quite easily as they make your body move and hence cause friction in your bones connected with the functioning of your joints. 

This wear and tear ultimately leads to functional disability in your joints. The most common being - the Joint Pains. Once you start closing your 50s, in certain case even before that,you are bound to face problems related to joints like knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist and ankle. The most common and highly painful being that of the knee and the hip. 

The Joint Replacement surgery:

These joint pains can be majorly divided into two categories pain related to nerve and muscle connecting the joint and pain related to the joint itself. If this pain is nerve related or muscular a Joint Replacement Surgery would not be of much help but if it is joint related it would be a very effective option.

Joint replacement surgery has proved very effective in reliving the pain you are in and giving good long painless period of movement. 

Pros of Joint Replacement Surgery:

Any surgery is not a matter to be taken lightly. The most important part of any surgery is getting the perfect advice which can be got from a good orthopedic surgeon. 

There are pros and cons to every remedy, so physicians suggest surgery only when alternative pain reliving and movement enhancing method have failed to work on the ailment. 

Firstly the surgery would replace your worn out part with a prosthetic part to restore your movement with diminished pain which will give longer life to your joint and painless movement.

Joint Replacement has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past couple of decades with computer navigation for surgery, robotic arms aided surgery and preoperative scans which can give your 3D images to manufacture an artificial joint or part to perfectly fit the replacement. The quality of the artificial parts have also improved a lot ensuring longevity and better range of motions to your joint.

Pain management techniques have also improved with spinal and local anaesthesia which controls pain very effectively unlike the earlier practice of administering narcotics which had a lot of side effects. 

The Cons of Joint Replacement Surgery:

No surgery can bring back your joint to the functional level it was at before the ailment started. 

This surgery would not prove effective at earlier stages of arthritis as this will only manage pain but will not stop arthritis from advancing.

Joint Replacement Surgery is a highly recommended procedure for pain management for Joints. They are highly secure and precise due to the advancements made in this field of medical science.

Joint Replacement Surgery the perfect solution to ageing and aching joints.

Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the best Joint replacement surgeons Indore and provides Joint Replacement surgery of knee, hip and shoulder at very low cost. If are you suffring from your knee pain and looking the best Doctor for knee pain in Indore come to the  Dr Rajan's Knee Clinic. Book an Appointment call us at 9826200015 for more information.

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