Arthritis is a disease phaging the last years of life. The phase for which you stock the happy experiences . Arthritis fill the elderly age with pain, stiffening the joints it stiff the moments you preserve to ease your golden age. Restricting the joint mobility,  it binds you in cage of dependence for what you have worked with diligence your whole life, you worked for independence and just a disease trap your dreams.
But dreams have no end when your will is grand.

Knee replacement is one such blissful aid to Arthritis. Your knees carry the weight of your head and trunk, the weight of your loved once, the load of your worries, your responsibilities and keep you walking, running, jumping all your life. It get jammed by the invasion of friction in it's fluency; then you need to get it back to life. 

Why to stress the rugged knee when you can replace it?

Knees are replaceable , but souls and dreams  die once you loose them. Don't let your knees restrict your independence the way the arthritis have bonded it. Knee arthroplasty will give your skeleton a new segment and your soul a new vehicle to rely upon. It is the ultimate solution from the stiffness, frequent  pain and degraded mobility.

When to go for Knee Replacement?

When your knees signify that they have completely got worn out and the pain don't let you stay mobile. 

When the stiffness invades activities like walking, running, climbing stairs, sitting, jumping that is the basic activities of daily life then you must go for knee replacement.

When the knee is facing subsequent infectious arthritis and hindering your comfort. 

When the pain don't leave your knee even in state of rest.

What do the orthopaedic surgeon do during knee replacement?
  • The affected part of join is removed and the infection is cleaned and dried using antibiotic.
  •  The rugged surface is contoured to omit the friction.
  • Either one segment, two or at times all three segments are replaced by prosthesis.
  • After surgery you will get instructed by a physiotherapist to get soon to mobility.
  • You will be instructed about the ergonomic modifications, don't and do's, the exercise protocol by the physiotherapist. 
  • The patient must take utmost care and must inform any signs of infection.
How to prepare yourself for pre and post operative phase?

Go for a full body check-up to omit out any chances of blooming contraindications or risk factors.

Follow the doctor advise by stopping to take medicines and other precautions before surgery.

Strictly follow the dietary plan.

Prepare Your House For Post Operative Phase:
  • Ensure that you have railings along stairs, railing in toilet to get up and prevent fall during bathing.
  • Use the western toilet to avoid bending your knees.
  • Avoid the slippery flooring.
  • Install a foot raise and back supported chair to sit.
The replaced knee would give you your independence back preserving the joint mobility, but you should follow all the advice by  your surgeon to let the arthroplasty bless your mobility the most and keep you mobile with longer durability.

Are you not able to walk through your knees? So come to Dr. Sunil Rajan in Indore, Dr. Rajan is a very experienced Orthopaedic surgeon in Indore. Dr. Rajan has undergone more than 10,000 knee surgeries in the last 20 years. Dr. Rajan  performs knee, hip and shoulder surgery. Dr. Rajan is considered to be the best Knee replacement surgeon in MP. If you  are suffering from any kind of knee, hip and shoulder joint pain and are looking for the best Knee transplant surgeon in Indore to get low cost surgery, then meet Dr. Rajan. Book an Appointment today call us at 9826200015 for more information.

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