Exercises for Knee Pain

Do exercises for knee pain really make a difference? The answer is a resounding yes! 

There are a huge number of different causes of knee pain, but in virtually every case exercises will really help.

Improving the strength and flexibility of the leg muscles changes the support around the knee and how the forces travel through the joint. Better support and better weight distribution helps to reduce pain and improve function.

It is easy to get disheartened when you have pain and to think that it's never going to get better, but that is very rarely true. So take control of things today and get back to doing what you love.

Where Do I Start?

There is something here for everyone. Not only will you find a whole range of tailored programmes for all causes of knee problems, there's also loads of great advice on how to exercise safely and my top tips on getting the best results. 

Each of these exercises for knee pain comes with easy to follow instructions including videos and pictures so you know you are doing them correctly.  

If you don’t know where to start, I suggest trying the beginners set first and progress on from there. 

Knee Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening exercises for knee pain are an essential part of rehab for almost every single knee problem.  Muscles start losing their strength really quickly after an injury or episode of knee pain which frequently exacerbates the problem and lengthens the recovery period.

Here you will find graded strengthening programmes to work through.  Each set targets the different sets of leg muscles that control the knee - the quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves and kneecap muscles.  There is:

1. Beginners Strengthening - This is the place to start. Simple but effective exercises to get those muscles going without any risk of overworking or damaging the knee.

2. Intermediate Strengthening- Once you have started to regain some strength and confidence, you can progress on to the next stage to further strengthen the muscles. These can all be done in your own home without any need for specialist equipment.

3. Advanced Strengthening- This is the final piece of the puzzle. It will enable you to regain full strength and function so you can return to your usual activities as well as prevent the original problem from flaring up again.

4. Knee Cap Strengthening- These exercises target the small muscles around the kneecap. Weakness in these muscles is a common cause of anterior knee pain.

5. Quadricep Strengthening Exercises- These quadricep exercises for knee pain help to strengthen the muscles on the front of your thigh and help with most causes of knee pain.

6. Hamstring Strengthening Exercises- These exercises specifically target the hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh, which are often overlooked. They not only improve strength and endurance but can reduce the risk of injury.

7. Vastus Medialis Exercises- How to strengthen and stretch the inner quads muscles and work the VMO

Unfortunately, it takes much longer to increase muscle strength than it does to lose it.  That means it is really important to start strengthening exercises for knee pain as soon as possible.  Even if your knee is feeling sore, there are some really simple strengthening exercises you can do without having to move the knee that can make a big difference to recovery.

Dr. Sunil Rajan is the best Doctor for knee pain in Indore. Dr. Rajan has a very experienced doctor of Knee, Hip and Shoulder replacement surgery. If are you planning for knee transplant surgery in Indore, contact with Dr Rajan's knee clinic. Book an  Appointment today call now us at  9826200015 and  online visit for more  information.

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