Total knee replacement


Total knee replacement surgery was first performed in 1968, and has evolved over the years into a reliable and effective way to relieve disabling pain and allow patients to resume their active lives. Improvements in surgical techniques and implant design and construction have helped make this one of the most successful orthopaedic procedures today. As the population has become older and remained more active, the need for total knee replacement continues to increase. Today, approximately 270,000 total knee replacements are done every year in the United States.

Many of the advancements in knee replacement surgery have taken place at HSS. Improvements in the surgical technique and the design of new implants are a few of the contributions the surgeons of the Hip and Knee service have made.

Decision to have surgery

People often wonder when and why they should have their knee replaced. This is an individualized question that depends upon a person's activity level and functional needs. Many people with arthritis live with pain that prevents them from participating in activities that they love; others are so debilitated that they have difficult putting on their shoes and socks. Total knee replacement offers a solution to the problem of arthritis and is performed with the goal of pain relief and resumption of activity. After a rehabilitation from a successful total knee replacement, a patient can expect to have at least as much motion as prior to surgery, without pain. According to a study presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, total knee replacement dramatically improves a patient's quality of life and significantly reduces his/her long-term treatment costs. This study found that not only was a total knee replacement cost-effective when compared with non-operative management, it also provided more function and a better quality of life.

A total knee replacement is considered a major operation, and the decision to undergo total knee replacement is not a trivial one. People usually decide to undergo surgery when they feel they can no longer live with the pain of their arthritis.

The prosthetic implant

The implant for a total knee replacement is composed of 4 parts: the tibial and femoral components, a plastic insert, and the patella. The tibial and femoral components are made out of metal, usually cobalt-chrome, and are used to cap the ends of the femur and tibia after the arthritic bone is removed. The plastic insert is made out of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and fits into the tibial component, such that the highly polished surface of the femur glides against the plastic. The patella component is also made of UHMWPE, and glides against the front of the femoral component. All together, the components weigh about 1 to 2 lbs. They are generally fixed to the bone with cement.

The procedure

The total knee replacement is performed in an operating room with a special laminar airflow system, which helps reduce the chance of infection. Your surgeon will be wearing a "spacesuit", also designed to reduce the chance of infection. The entire surgical team will consist of your surgeon, two to three assistants, and a scrub nurse.

The anesthesia for a total knee replacement is given through an epidural catheter, which is a small tube inserted into the back. This is the same type of anesthesia given to women in labor. You will be made numb from the waist down so that you will not feel anything. The catheter stays in for 1-2 days after the surgery to help with your postoperative pain control. During the course of the operation, you can be as awake or as sleepy as you want to be.

After the epidural block is administered, a tourniquet, or cuff, will be placed around your thigh. The tourniquet will be inflated during surgery to help reduce the loss of blood. The incision for a total knee replacement is made along the front of your knee. The incision will measure anywhere from 4 to 10 inches depending upon your anatomy.

The arthritic surfaces of the femur, tibia, and patella are exposed and removed with power instruments. In so doing, deformities of the knee are corrected, and the knee will appear straighter after surgery. The bone is prepared to receive the artificial knee joint, and then the prosthesis is inserted. During the closure, two drains are inserted around the operated area to assist with evacuation of blood. Staples are used to close the skin.

The entire operation will take from 1 to 2 hours. Afterwards, you will be brought to the recovery room, where your blood work and vital signs will be checked. Most patients can be brought to a regular room within a few hours; others will need to stay overnight in the recovery room, as determined by your surgeon and anesthesiologist. Patients generally stay in the hospital for 3-4 days following total knee replacement surgery.

Dr. Rajan's Knee Clinic is the best place to get all knee related problems. We Offers treatments for knee replacement, hip replacement, partial knee replacement, revision knee replacement, revision hip replacement, bilateral knee replacement, shoulder replacement, computer assisted surgery. He known as a Best orthopaedic surgeon in indore as well as a best doctor for knee pain in Indore. For More Details : and call us 9826200015.

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