Are you suffering with Constipation after Surgery?

Constipation, not a thing to be laughed at, it is a serious matter that the one who is suffering can only tell the trouble. Most of the patients gone through the surgery like knee replacement, hip replacement, ACL reconstruction surgery etc., complain of having constipation.
To know more first we need to understand what constipation is.
Constipation is defined as a condition in which there is infrequent bowel movement and hard to pass the stool. The stool become dry and hard and it takes a lot of pressure to pass. When there is three or less bowel movement in a week, it can be called as constipation.

  • Abdominal, rectal pain
  • Very few bowel movement
  • Continuous bloated feeling
  • Pebble like very hard Stool
  • Sluggish feeling.
  • Feeling of fullness every time
  • General anaesthesia
  • Opioid or narcotic pain relieving medications
  • Lack of exercise
  • Dietary changes
  • Inflammation or infection
  • Stress, depression or anxiety
  • Dehydration
  • Conditions like Parkinson’s disease, thyroid disorder, etc.
Why constipation after surgery?
After Knee or Hip replacement surgery, there are changes in the lifestyle like less activity, changes in diet, medication given for pain, etc., play a great role in causing post-operative constipation. Anaesthesia and opioid pain killers alone cause constipation to more than 40% of patients.
Studies have proven that the constipation is multi-factorial but it mainly occurs after surgery because of the stress of the surgery and the medications given to relieve pain.

Dr. Sunil rajan is a specialist in Joint Replacement, knee, Hip Replacement and Shoulder Surgery in Indore, India with broad understanding and approach in total replacement surgeries and is considered as the Best orthopaedic surgeon in Indore. Book an appointment, call +91 9826200015 or visit

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