Paget’s disease

Paget’s disease is one of the most common disorders of bone in which there is abnormality in bone reforming process. In this disorder the bone weakens and become fragile. It may affect any of the bone but mainly affected bones are leg bones, sacrum, skull, and spine.

Paget’s disease is more likely to occur in old age, but the risk factor increases if any of family members already have the disease. And the complications may lead to fracture and other problems.

Symptoms of Paget’s Disease

This disease generally shows no symptoms, but as there is degeneration of bony tissues, it require rapid formation of new bone cells, which causes the formation of immature cell and weaker bone than normal, leads to pain, fracture and deformities.

Depending on the body parts the symptoms can be:

·        Legs: Weaker bones lead to bending of long bones (bow-legged), Enlarged bones put stress to joints, and may cause osteoarthritis of hip or knee joint.
·         Spine: Affected spine may compress the nerve roots and causes pain, numbness and tingling in extremities.
·         Skull: Overgrowth of skull bones may compress brain and neural tissue, causing headache, hearing loss and dysfunction of vitals.
·Pelvis: Paget’s disease to pelvis may cause hip pain..

Risk factors of Paget’s disease

Paget’s disease is believed to be the combination of both genetic and physiological factors, also may be viral infections. All this is still controversial at some point.

·         Paget’s disease is more likely to occur to people of Age 40 or more.
·         Males are prone to this disorder than females.
·Family history makes a big impact to it, if your close relative is affected with the disorder, you are more likely prone to have it.


·        Fractures and malformation: Paget’s disease make bones more fragile and making it prone to fracture. Long bones of legs bends due to body weight and become bow shaped, causing difficulty in walking.
·         Bone cancer: It is very rare with paget’s disease but a known complication of overgrown bone cells.
·         Osteoarthritis: Any stress to the joints caused dur to immature and weak bones leads to joint arthritis of knee and hip joints.
·         Heart failure: Extensive regeneration demand of bone, demands increase amount of nutrients and this demand is compensated by extra work through heart. This overload may lead to cardiac failure.

Need to see a Doctor

You need to take it as a serious issue as the symptoms of Paget’s disease are not visible at early stage. Consult your doctor if u experience:

·         Pain in joints, bones and skull.
·         Tingling at extremities.
·         Unexplained hearing loss or headaches.
·         Bone deformities and non-traumatic bone fractures.

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