Dr. Sunil Rajan is a well known joint replacement surgeon in Central India. Over the last 20 years Dr. Rajan has put his expertise to work transforming more than 10,000 lines through successful knee transplants. Dr. Rajan offers his operative services at Apollo hospital Indore, one of the largest and most respected multi specialty groups in India.
Total Knee Replacement is an important surgical procedure in which diseased or non functioning knee joints are replaced with prosthetic knee cap made of artificial material. It helps the patient to lead a normal pain free life and to move properly.
Improvement in working of knee occurs at a period of 2 years till the scars heals and continue exercise of muscles. Patients who have undergone with the procedure are required to take precautions to avoid any further complications.
General complications
Swelling- After knee replacement surgery, swelling of knee is the most common issue and its may also affects the ankle and the foot and it lasts for 2–3 months. After surgery swelling of foot and ankle settles by regular exercise and walking. Applying ice packs also helps in reducing swelling of knee.
Stiffness- After surgery the knee sometimes becomes stiff out of no serious reason. Try climbing the stairs one by one slowly, this will help to make it flexible and improves the movement of knee. Proper exercising is very important after surgery, but if the stiffness persists for more than 6 weeks you need to consult with the surgeon and if required manipulation of knee is needed under anaesthesia.
Pain- For the first two months Pain can be because of bruising from the surgery, and you might still need painkillers to sleep during the night. Sometimes the pain can last for six months even after surgery but if pain is still there take the help of your physiotherapist.
Infection- If you see any sign of infection like redness or foul smell or the area feels warmer then you should consult your general physician or surgeon immediately.
Know what to do while:
Walking- After surgery it is important to start with using walking sticks and crutches because the quadriceps (the thigh muscle) becomes really weak and it may break and can damage the new joint. Take small steps for walking.
Climbing up and down the stairs- First u need to start it slowly with two steps upwards, and slow two steps down with support. When you gain confidence then start one step upwards and downwards, this will help you to exercise and also it helps in gaining flexibility to the muscles.
Household jobs- Initially for first 3 months you should avoid doing heavy house works like vacuuming, changing bed, heavy lifting, etc. however light working is important, but to take care is not to twist knee during any work. Avoid frequent bending and long time sitting on chairs.
Sitting- After surgery, avoid kneeling till the wound tissue gets healed, you can try kneeling to a soft surface after about 2 months. Avoid sitting with crossed legs initially till healing of scar is in process.
Sleeping- No special instruction is needed to sleep after knee surgery but if u have a habit of keeping pillow below knee, then you must avoid it even though it helps to heal pain. This may make the muscles stiff and causes difficulty in straightening of the knee.
Driving- After surgery and recovery of the wound you will be able to drive properly, but for safety you need to follow all the safety measures and be confident.
With All this information you must also keep in mind that you need to pay attention towards the regular follow-up appointments and do proper exercises as suggested by your physiotherapist and your surgeon.
All the very best and have healthy knee. Fly high and walk more.
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Knee replacement surgeries, methodology, techniques and technology have developed by leaps and bound in the last few decades. Total knee surgery has gone through so many transformations and has positively benefited the patients. The cost factor, the technology, quality of implants, minimally invasive techniques and reduced rehabilitation periods have all given the patients who were afraid of knee replacement going wrong. The pain, the rehabilitation time and the uncertainty attached to the total knee replacement were all detrimental to the thinking of persons troubled by knee pain. The latest in knee surgery has been Robotics Assisted surgery which helps in precisely shaping the surrounding bone before placing the knee implants and navigating precisely to the remotest area of the knee. A 3D model of the patient's knee can be generated to help in mapping the exact incisions and angles. Let us look into some major advantages a robotic surgery would have in comparison to a convention...
There are two main types of arthritis in the knee: Osteoarthritis: where there is degeneration of the bones Rheumatoid Arthritis: where there is inflammation in the joint 1. Osteoarthritis Of The Knee This is commonly known as “wear and tear” arthritis. Osteoarthritis is by far the most common cause of arthritis pain in knees affecting approximately 16 million people. Usually osteoarthritis of the knee is related to, but not caused by aging, most commonly affecting people over the age of 65. Other common terms used are "degenerative arthritis knee" or "arthrosis". In a normal, healthy knee joint, there is a reasonable sized gap between the bones (tibia and femur) due to a thick layer of cartilage and lubricating fluid. The surface of the bones is nice and smooth and as the knee bends and straightens, the joint moves easily and painlessly due to the cushioning from the cartilage. With osteoarthritis of the knee, a few things happen. ...
Knee pain is a common situation that people face at any age. The reasons behind the problem are many like overweight, lack of muscle stability or strength, certain athletics or occupational traumas, etc. Not all knee pain is serious and gets reduced by applying ointment or creams. But some are caused due to serious ailments such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis can lead to enhance disability and jointdamage if gone untreated. When such problems don't admit any medication or therapy then knee replacement surgery is one of the last choices. Traditionally knee replacement surgeries are done by skilled surgeons in which surgeons make 7 to 11 inches cut along the face and towards the inner or along the face and to the side of the knee. This process typically requires a huge recovery time in the hospital and a long healing time for the patient to resume his work. In the new world of technology, a new technology comes into action to do similar work with great precision and with ...
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