
Benefits of Robotic Partial knee replacement

The knee is a bustling joint. Bones, ligaments, cartilage, muscles, and nerves work together to keep your knee stable while walking, stopping, or standing there. Knee replacement surgery may be necessary if an injury, arthritis, or another condition has damaged any of the components of your knee. Moreover, Orthopaedic surgery , specifically knee replacements, has significantly benefited from technological advances in recent years. Due to its high level of accuracy, robotic-assisted surgery has become increasingly popular. For example, robotic partial knee replacement is a minimally invasive technique with many advantages over more conventional approaches. Robotic partial knee replacement can significantly enhance patients' lives, which will be discussed in detail in this article. The advantages of robotic-assisted knee replacement are as follows. Many people were initially worried about having robotic surgery. Patients were worried, for instance, that robots would cause them damag...

Revision Joint Replacement Surgery: When and Why it's Needed

One of the most fruitful orthopedic operations of the 20th century was total knee replacement (TKR). This is because TKR provides significant pain reduction and functional improvement. Implant surgery's success rate and durability have risen considerably thanks to technological and material advancements. More than 85%-90% of patients may expect their complete knee replacements to continue working well for at least 20-25 years due to advancements in implant design and surgical methods. However, in some cases, the knee replacement must be replaced again. In India, a second (or third, or fourth...) knee replacement is considered a big operation due to the increased difficulty of the procedure. Scar tissue, bone loss, and instability can all accumulate over time, making revision surgery extremely challenging. Knee Replacements: How Long Do They Last?  Knee replacements typically endure for decades. However, the necessity for an early revision of a knee replacement is not unheard of. To...

The Importance of Physical Therapy in Joint Replacement Recovery

Recovering from a total knee replacement is not easy. It's usually a tedious and arduous process with little to show at the outset. Rehabilitating from a TKR requires a multidisciplinary approach, and physiotherapy is integral to it. Physiotherapy may be essential for a full recovery after TKR. The process of physiotherapy: what does it entail? When a patient has had joint replacement surgery, they may participate in physiotherapy to help them regain their range of motion. Physiotherapy exercises are started on the first postoperative day, and the intensity is gradually raised until the patient fully recovers. It typically entails self-exercising at home regularly and visiting a physiotherapist once a day or once a week. You can see a Physiotherapist in a Physiotherapy Centre or have an at-home Physiotherapist come to your home regularly to carry out exercises and therapy. Without a specialist's supervision, you risk hurting your prosthetic joint if you don't execute the a...

The Recovery Process After Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery.

Knee replacement surgery has become a Minimally Invasive method during the past few years. The use of robots to help in replacement procedures is just one example of how medical technology always improves patient outcomes. While the robot is an integral part of the robotic knee replacement process, it does not replace the knee itself; rather, it serves as a guide for your surgeon while they carry out the procedure. The robot bolsters your surgeon's abilities throughout the operation, increasing the likelihood that you will be in the best possible position to make a rapid and full recovery. In that case, how long does it take to get back on your feet after a robotic knee replacement? Within a matter of hours, most patients can put weight on the joint again. But the specific time frame for resuming regular activity is contingent on factors such as age, weight, and general health of the patient. After weeks, most patients can return to normal activities like grocery shopping and mino...

Total Knee Replacement: A Panacea for Knee Problems

The success rate of knee replacement surgery is extremely high. It's done when the knee wears out from conditions like RA and osteoarthritis. In this procedure, the bones that make up the knee joint (the upper thigh bone and the leg bone) have their surfaces modified by the surgeon so they no longer rub against one another. Patella, or shinbone, femur (thighbone), and tibia (shinbone) form the knee joint (knee cap). Total knee replacement involves surgically inserting an artificial joint into a patient with one or more damaged knee ligaments or tendons. The femur and tibia are cut off at the ends and replaced with a plastic prosthesis attached to a metal stem. How prevalent are the various subsets of knee replacement procedures? Two of the most popular procedures for knee replacement are:-  Reconstruction of the Entire Knee Joint Unicompartmental Knee Replacement: A Partial Knee Replacement The common type of knee replacement surgery is a total knee replacement. Partial knee repla...

How long will you knee replacement last?

A knee replacement treatment is carried out when a knee joint becomes so damaged (from age, injury, or disease) that it cannot be repaired naturally. Damage to a joint can cause significant discomfort, trouble moving around, reduced mobility, impaired range of motion, and oedema. Knee replacement surgery is a great way to provide long-term pain relief. It's when a prosthetic knee is implanted in place of the patient's natural knee. The artificial knee is expected to perform the same functions as the natural one it replaces. Patients who have knee replacement surgery regain complete mobility in their knees and relief from knee discomfort. The reason why do we need Knee replacement surgery   Knee replacement surgery is typically performed to alleviate arthritic discomfort. Patients needing knee replacement surgery typically have mobility issues, making everyday tasks like walking, stair climbing, and getting out of seats difficult. Surgery on the knee often allows for replacing ...

All About Osteoarthritis

Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from osteoarthritis , the most prevalent type of arthritis. When the cartilage that covers and cushions the ends of bones deteriorates, these results. Although any joint is vulnerable to osteoarthritis damage, the hands, knees, hips, and spine are especially susceptible. The joint damage caused by osteoarthritis can't be undone, but the symptoms can often be controlled. The disease's course can be slowed, and pain and joint function can be improved by keeping active, maintaining a healthy weight, and obtaining certain therapies. Symptoms As time passes, osteoarthritis symptoms tend to worsen. Osteoarthritis manifests itself through the following signs and symptoms: Pain . Pain in the affected joints may be felt either during moving or subsequently. Stiffness. Morning or post-inactivity stiffness maybe when you will notice your joints the most. Tenderness. Light pressure on or around the affected joint may cause discomfort. Decreased ad...