How to Prevent Knee Pain?

Knee pain has a host of causes. Many types of pain are difficult to prevent, but you can do some general things to reduce the likelihood of sustaining a knee injury. 1. Stay slim Staying slim reduces the forces placed on the knee during both athletics and everyday walking and, according to some medical research, may reduce osteoarthritis. Keeping your weight down may also reduce the number of ligament and tendon injuries for similar reasons. 2. Keep limber, keep fit Many knee problems are due to tight or imbalanced musculature. Stretching and strengthening, therefore, also help to prevent knee pain . Stretching keeps your knee from being too tight and aids in preventing both patellofemoral syndrome and iliotibial band syndrome. Strengthening exercises particularly of the quadriceps (straight leg raises and leg extensions are two excellent exercises, but please see a book on exercise and training for more) can help prevent knee injury. 3. Exercise wis...